IBAIA and Europa Creativa Desk MEDIA Euskadi will once again collaborate within the framework of the Lau Haizetara Forum

Media + IBAIAOnce again this year, following the success of previous editions, IBAIA (Association of Independent Audio-Visual Producers of the Basque Country) and Europa Creativa Desk MEDIA Euskadi will collaborate by together organising a conference in the Lau Haizetara Documentary Co-Production Forum, which will hold its thirteenth edition from 26th to 28th September 2017.

Ove Rishøj Jensen (Film Consultant of the European Documentary Network), an outstanding professional due to his knowledge and career in the diverse areas related to the documentary field, will direct, once again this year, the conference which will be held on the evening of 28th September in the Kursaal Congress Centre in San Sebastián.img_25369

New technologies, the means of making and using media and their rapid evolution bring about challenges for documentary makers. Thus, for ninety minutes, Ove Rishøj Jensen will closely examine the latest events in the field of interactive, online and virtual reality documentaries.

Among the subjects covered will be narrative strategies, user-generated content, stories about virtual reality and data-based documentaries. In addition, examples will be shown of some documentaries made with media that highlight the essential considerations for these new forms of narrative.

With this initiative, both organisations aim to boost the cinema industry, offering tools which benefit the development and strengthening of new projects.

If you are interested in participating in this activity or attending the presentation of projects as a member of the audience and meeting accredited professionals from the audiovisual and cinema sector, you still have time.

Consult the terms and conditions HERE.

Further information: www.lauhaizetara.eu