Consultancy for documentary projects within the framework of the “Lau Haizetara” Co-Production Forum

As a result of the collaboration between IBAIA / Asociación de Productoras Audiovisuales Independientes del País Vasco (Association of Independent Audiovisual Production Companies of the Basque Country) and Europa Creativa Desk MEDIA Euskadi, 4 documentary projects will be chosen to receive an individualised consultancy for their projects with the Danish consultant Ove Rishoj Jensen.

As a complementary service to the holding of the “Lau Haizetara” Co-Production Forum itself and the preparation workshops and the Seminar on documentary distribution strategies which will be held over the 20th,  21st and 22nd September in San Sebastián within the framework of the Film Festival, companies that so wish, independently of whether or not they are participating in the Forum, and that have a documentary project in development, will be able to register their project for selection.

The consultancy, offered by the recognised professional and consultant Ove Rishoj Jensen (European Documentary Network) will take place throughout the morning of 23th September, and will last for 45 minutes per project, in which the consultant will provide each company with a detailed analysis of each of the projects sent in previously.

In order to be able to take part in these sessions, each interested company should send, before 15th September, the following form, duly completed with the requested information.

For more information and/or clarifications:



Tel.: (+34 ) 943 32 71 83