Projects selected to participate in the forthcoming edition of the San Sebastián Lau Haizetara forum

The San Sebastián Lau Haizetara Documentary Co-Production Forum has announced the selection of projects for its nineteenth edition, which will be held on 25, 26 and 27 September 2023 within the framework of the 71st San Sebastian Film Festival.

Chosen from among a total of 100 inscriptions, the success of the open call is guaranteed. The committee wanted to highlight the quality and potential of the selected projects, two of which are Basque, with the remaining thirteen coming from Germany, Canada, Poland, Brazil, Iceland, Lithuania, Italy, France, Argentina and Iran. They are all auteur documentaries covering society-related themes and with international visibility, which have always been the hallmark of our Forum:

Project Nationality Production
ANIMAL España – Francia Kanaki Films SL
BLACK WATER España En Buen Sitio Producciones
CALLE DE LOS ANGELES España – Portugal Limbus Filmak – Silvia Rey – Anexo 82
DECEMBER Polonia – Lithuania Telemark – Just a moment
IF I DIE España – Brasil Esther Vital
LA PIETÀ España – Islandia – Lituania SUICAfilms – AXfilms – Studio Nominum
LES CULPABLES España Boogaloo Films – Guspira Films
PRIMAVERA À MIRAFIORI Italia – Alemania Labins SC – con men Filmproduktion
PULSO Brasil Revoada Produçoes
RAPA España Rapa a película AIE
SINGIN WINGS España – Irán – Francia Barnabe Productions – Eli Image – Les ouvriers de l’image
YO TERRATENIENTE España – Argentina Tourmalet Films – AH! Cine

The selection for this edition is completed by two guest projects, the result of the collaboration agreements that the Forum maintains with the FIPADOC Festival and DOCSBARCELONA:

Proyecto Nacionalidad Producción
PAST FUTURE CONTINUOUS Noruega – Irán – Italia Antipode Films – FiFi Film – ZaLab
HORI, LEARN TO LIVE AFTER DAESH Francia Galaxie Presse France-Chabaka Unlimited

On the day of the pitching sessions, the organisation will create an agenda of personalised one-to-one meetings between the Commissioning Editors and the representatives of the presented projects, with the aim of specifying possible collaboration agreements.

All of them will be candidates for the IBAIA – ELKARGI prize, worth €5,000 for the best project presented at the pitching session, whose jury will comprise the members of the Panel.