65310981_2243595732399939_3060426221469827072_nThis year, for the first time, this alliance will permit one of the documentary projects selected in NOKA Mentoring, the mentoring programme devoted to Basque women filmmakers, to be presented in the pitching session of the Lau Haizetara Forum, which will be held in September within the framework of the San Sebastian Film Festival, thus promoting the visibility of Basque women filmmakers.

The programme of mentoring and personalised accompaniment, developed by the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government together with Zineuskadi, aims to promote and support independent filmmakers (directors and/or producers) based in the Basque Country, and to develop cinematographic feature films. The idea is to establish the relationship in this edition, so that the Lau Haizetara Documentary Co-Production Forum, organised by IBAIA (Association of Independent Audiovisual Production Companies of the Basque Country) serves as a platform to generate creative and professional evolution in the participants. 

The project El Peso, by Tamara Lucarini will participate in the professional activities organised within the framework of the forum; the Workshops prior to the forum, the Pitching session, and in the individualised meetings with Commissioning Editors, the main activity of the industry marketplace and the ideal space to introduce the project to financiers and distributors.

With this initiative, both organisations aim to boost the Basque cinema industry, offering tools which benefit the development and strengthening of new projects.

For more information, please consult the website of the Lau Haizetara Forum or that of Zineuskadi where you will find information about the NOKA Mentoring initiative, as well as through the different means of contact listed on said websites.